Saturday, October 11, 2008

Making Money With Affiliate Programs For Beginners

There is a lot of talk online about earning money by promoting affiliate programs, but most people have no clue how to go about it. Promotion involves bringing the product or service in front of people and explaining the benefits. There are two ways of doing this; adwords and article marketing.
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While adwords involves advertising on Google and spending money, article marketing is free and this is the reason it is hugely popular, especially with people who are starting out and do not wish to invest any money. There are also many experienced marketers who do article marketing successfully.
The concept of article marketing is to get as many interesting articles as possible out there for people to read. The idea is to make them want more and entice them to visit the website concerned. This is possible only when the article provides something of value to the reader.
The length of the articles does not matter as long as they are between 300 – 500 words and informative. A complete beginner can start making money easily with article marketing.
Speed Writing
Articles don’t have to be masterpieces of literature but they have to be meaningful and provide useful reading. Speed is crucial as the success of article marketing depends on the number of articles that you can get to circulate out there. This helps get plenty of traffic to the website. Never use article spinners and auto generated content. Every article should be unique and add value to the article directories they are submitted to and be informative for the readers.
There are several people that churn out around 25 articles or more in a day and if one does it for 5 days a week, it is 125 articles in a week. The more articles, the better the edge one has. Doing this for six months to an year will ensure a steady income for a long time to come. Many top article marketers continue to receive checks for work done years ago. Speed matters.
There are a few things to keep in mind to do well with article marketing:


Selection of the Product
Anyone who has been part of the internet marketing community for any length of time would have heard complaints of not making sales with article marketing. The reason usually is that the products they are promoting are not good and not even the best marketers can sell a bad product.
Keyword Research
Keyword research should be done only after selecting a good product for promotion. The secret is to find a great product on Clickbank that already sells well and has a good commission for the affiliates, along with a great sales page that draws people. Next comes keyword research.
Use a good keyword tool to find at least 20 keywords in the niche you are targeting. Article marketing works by domination and the best way to go about it is to saturate the market with lots of articles. It is important to promote every product this way or it can lead to failure.
There is a lot of debate over the search count of an article. Some keywords may get below 500 searches and some may get above 15000. As long as the keyword is highly targeted and relevant to the niche, it is a good idea to write an article on that without bothering about the number of searches.
Submission of Articles is an article directory where articles can be submitted for free. Many people use multiple accounts to submit articles. In fact, this is considered to be a good thing because more number of articles on each keyword can be submitted. Imagine the glory of having two articles in the top of Google rankings for a single keyword. This helps double the exposure with more people reading the articles.
Articles can be submitted to other article directories but they have to be unique. The same articles should never be submitted to all the article directories, as this is looked at as duplicate content by the search engines and will only do more harm than good in terms of search engine ranking.
Readers should be directed from the article links to a presell page on the website. It is preferable to have links to your articles in the navigation area, as that makes it a content website and will be liked by visitors as well as article directories, and increase sales too.
Choose the winners from Clickbank and milk them as much as possible by producing a huge number of articles, to get the best out of each product that is promoted. You certainly don’t want to be guilty of leaving money on the table.
Finally, here is a great tip for you. Provide incentives as people need a reason to buy NOW! Give them a plan of action that they can use and benefit from. If your product is about creating content websites for adsense, you can incorporate in your articles, a wonderful traffic generation method that really works. Then explain in the article byline that you have a product that will make it easy to create content sites and they will just have to put the two together to make money.
People usually buy products and let them gather dust because they don’t know how to use them. When you provide a complete solution, they would be willing to spend money on your product.
Use this action plan on one product a week and see how well you will do promoting affiliate products.

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