Friday, October 31, 2008

How to Make Money Online

To make money online you used to have a web site, a product, or be very good at marketing. But this generation of dot com you do not need all that to make money. So there is no more of being a great web designer or a marketing master.

But you have to know the difference between the hype and what the real thing is. I did a search on how to make money online and make money online and a lot of the information was promoting informational products. A lot of them were about internet marketing. So I can honestly see why people say they are actually making money besides internet marketers.

I put together a list of great ways to make money online and free.

Write your own blog. You should read some information about how to write blogs online.

Learn about how you can get paid to write articles. It is probably the best way to make money online for free. You can promote other affiliate web sites and get paid high percentages for writing and putting your affiliate link in the article.

Write in forums about the affiliate company you are promoting. The more forums you hit the more you affiliate code will be out there.

Here are some affiliate companies you should like to promote.

thesecret2onlinemoney This is a new and up and coming web site that promotes a very nice product. I think all of the how to make money being an affiliate or learning google adwords are get niches to get into.

sixfigureyearly This web site has been one of the biggest sellers on clickbank for about 4 months now. They sell a nice product that people seem to like. I think that if you promote this web site you should make a nice chunk of change.

googlenemesis The guy who made this product also made the day job killer. We all know how good the day job killer did so why not promote his new book.

Help your friends and stay home moms that you know make money.
Tell everyone you know about this concept of making money for free. You can write 1-2 articles a day and by the end of the year have a good amount of income. This is a good way of just making extra cash.

Now if you want to reinvest your money into google adwords then you can really make a killing. But be sure to know what you are doing because you can lose your money really quick messing with adwords. Your main goal is to connect suppliers with buyers.

Affiliate programs set you up with suppliers you promote their product for them. Some of them set the referral fee as much as 75% which if a company is selling a product for $100 that means you get $75. Not that bad for not having your own product.

Become a semi-pro writer
So you have to get really good at writing. Because the better at writing you are the more chance your article will get in the number1 spots for google, yahoo, and msn. When writing an article you should try to keep it with in the 600 to 1000 word range. Anything less than that and these search engines will not even look at you.

Write your own blog.
Again you do not need your own web site or have to install your own blog software. At you can set up your own blog for absolutely free in about 5 min. You do not even need to know anything about web design or html. even updates google adsense so that you can make money with that also. This is a really great way of getting your affiliate links out there and making a good amount of cash.
Write in forums as much as you can.

This again can be just as good as writing your own blogs. If you put good information out there on forums people will bite and you will make good money. Remember to hit all the money making forums and the forums that talk about how people get scammed.

I will give you a couple of sites that you need to checkout.
1)Myspace forums This is a major forum to check out and write on. The younger generations are always interested in how to make money on the internet.

2)Affiliateprograms This forum gets like 50,000 hits a month. You know that people are trying to getting affiliate programs if they are on this site so it is pretty much a win win situation.

3)smallbusinessbrief This forum also gets around 50,000 people a month. So if you can write 50 posts there is a good chance that someone will see it. Again these guys are looking to get into a small business and the way the internet is pulling these days it is only a matter of time before you make a sale on this site.

4)smallbusinesscomputing This is a site that I post on normally to make money affiliating in the beginning stages. This site worked very well for me but same with the other 3.

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